The series explores the personal and professional lives of a small, elite Squad of Undercover Agents, led by a charismatic, sometimes self-destructive, bad-ass cop, in a crime-ridden, politically corrupt American City.
Each episode is built around a reality-based, fictionalized crime. The stories run from the gutters of the raw mean-stre
The series explores the personal and professional lives of a small, elite Squad of Undercover Agents, led by a charismatic, sometimes self-destructive, bad-ass cop, in a crime-ridden, politically corrupt American City.
Each episode is built around a reality-based, fictionalized crime. The stories run from the gutters of the raw mean-streets to the plush but deadly corridors of government power.
Interested only in being Police, only in being Undercover, only in taking down those who prey on his city, regardless of how low or how high, Tio, JTF-7's boss, has as many enemies in high office as he does in the dark corners and deadly back alleys.
A powerful clique in City government wants, needs Tio to disappear. He knows too much about too much. They think that dumping him in JTF-7, an orphan squad with no juice, will bury him.
They miscalculate.
Tio takes the dysfunctional, low-morale, forgotten team of cops from different agencies and builds it into the tightest, boldest, smartest and toughest Squad in the dirty city.
Every case that is too ugly, too tough, too hard to crack gets dumped on them by people who want them to fail.
Tio has his allies on both sides of the law but everybody has their own agenda and nobody can be fully trusted.
The lives of the Squad, their loved ones, allies and enemies are woven through the series in powerful and engaging B & C stories, some of which are multi-season.
Every character, from the leads through key recurring to one-off bad guys is fully realized with a unique voice.
JTF-7 brings a look into the world of Undercover Ops that can't be matched for accuracy, both in style and substance. JR, one of the creators, is a true legend in the UC world and is still active.
The series delivers not just powerful, engaging stories but a deep look into the psychology and philosophies, the fears of those who must completely lose themselves to stay alive in a universe where one wrong word could mean a hard death....and the price paid by them and those who love them.
The cast of JTF-7 (The Squad, other cops, DA, politicians, snitches, bad-guys, victims...) is organically diverse and includes all the elements of any large American city.
All but one of the key characters is introduced in the powerful, fast-paced pilot in which the key conflicts for the leads are firmly established and the world they inha
The cast of JTF-7 (The Squad, other cops, DA, politicians, snitches, bad-guys, victims...) is organically diverse and includes all the elements of any large American city.
All but one of the key characters is introduced in the powerful, fast-paced pilot in which the key conflicts for the leads are firmly established and the world they inhabit is vividly painted.
Each episode delivers a new story with a unique crime. Elements and characters of a few of them pop-up later in the series,
Tio, JTF-7's ranking officer, is the center. But, each of the Squad Members has a fully developed, complex, realistic Arc.
The female members of the Squad are rich, true and as important as Tio.
The series rests on the Squad's UC work and the damage done to their private lives and families.
Each one of the Squad contributes to every episode and, each is high-lighted in multiple episodes in the Season.
By the end of Season One all the Squad, Tio's wife and daughter and all the key recurring characters have been fully developed with a unique voice, personality and intimate world.
A distinct story arc is built throughout the season for each of the Squad members, an arc that makes sense for who each one is.
These and other recurring characters' story arcs evolve appropriately.
Season One episodes are all fictional but based on elements of actual individual or multiple UC ops.
The Squad targets...
A rogue Mexican Mafia drug trafficker setting up a new clique in town.
An illegal high-stakes casino that leads to murder but is protected by corrupt higher-ups
A violent OMG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang) involved in interstate trafficking (JR was the real-life UC on this one).
A car-jack crew.
A deadly Home Invasion crew that poses as cops
Corrupt political bosses...
The Bible fully details twelve Season One episodes.
With strong, relatable, engaging characters and an endless source of hard-hitting, real-world based crimes to build each episode on, JTF-7 is designed to run for multiple seasons.
Season Two builds on the story arcs for each key character that were developed in Season One and adds new B and C stories. Everybody evolves.
Hope, heartbreak, d
With strong, relatable, engaging characters and an endless source of hard-hitting, real-world based crimes to build each episode on, JTF-7 is designed to run for multiple seasons.
Season Two builds on the story arcs for each key character that were developed in Season One and adds new B and C stories. Everybody evolves.
Hope, heartbreak, despair, success, betrayal, courage, honor, death and humanity paint a very real world for each of the characters.
The pilot script and full bible are available.
The Bible contains a fully detailed road-map for all the players and a fully detailed list of episodes for Season Two.
The Bible also has teasers about where the series and the characters go in Season Three and beyond.
Two of the unique characters are designed to grow over the first three seasons so that either one could become a naturally evolving spin-off with multiple seasons of its own.
JTF-7 has genuine franchise potential.
copyright 2020 - Pau-004068641
registered WGAE 2020
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